In February 2021, WAYDEN was awarded the LUCIE 26000 CSR label. The ISO 26000 standard on which the LUCIE reference system is based incorporates sustainable development principles for businesses and organisations. Designing and following a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy – one of WAYDEN’s projects –  is a sustainable approach in itself. In its CSR approach, WAYDEN complies with seven themes, divided into 27 action principles. Under each of these, we make a commitment to improving our positioning and to having an increasingly favourable impact on the economy, the environment and people.  

Carbon footprint

In line with this approach, WAYDEN collaborates with the company, Sami, to measure its environmental impact.
Sami's mission is to democratise the environmental commitment of companies and to help organisations reduce their impact. Sami helps businesses raise awareness, and supports and accompanies them to promote their commitment. Every action counts if the objectives of the Paris Agreement  -  limiting the negative effects of climate change – are to be reached!
The first step in calculating our carbon footprint was to collect information in three main areas: data relating to our company purchases, data relating to our employees and data relating to our premises and digital consultations. The result was a real carbon footprint of 162 tonnes of CO2e, broken down as follows : But what does 162 tonnes of CO2e actually look like?  


For the second stage of this process, as a committed company, WAYDEN is acting on two major fronts:
  1. Measures to further reduce our carbon emissions
  2. Offsetting the tonnes of CO2 we emit.

Measures to further reduce our carbon emissions:

  • Reducing the carbon content of our digital purchases
Flagship actions: encouraging the use of conditioned, optimising the reception and sending of e-mails
  • Reducing the carbon emissions of our purchases
Flagship actions: signing a green energy contract, developing a low-carbon office supplies purchasing policy. As our transportation impact is already at its lowest, there is only one lever left that we can act upon – at the employee level:
  • Reducing the carbon emissions of mealtimes
Flagship action: raising employee awareness of their lunchtime eating habits (fewer take-out deliveries, less packaging, fewer meat products, fewer snacks, etc.).

Offsetting the tonnes of CO2 we emit

  • Financing a carbon reduction and/or sequestration project
As we are sensitive to the forestry cause, we are committed to participating in the financing of a project labelled low carbon by the Ministry of Ecological Transition, for all the tonnes that that we emit.